Identifying Bottlenecks in the Hiring Process with Power BI

Hiring Process Dashboard Sample 1.PNG

The Challenge

The Yuba County Health and Human Services Department encountered a challenge many teams responsible for hiring and onboarding new teams members enounter - the challenge of streamlining the hiring process, identifying the hiring process bottlenecks, increasing transparency into the hiring process for stakeholders and onboarding new team members faster.

The Solution

PowerHouse collaboarted with the Yuba Team to revamp the data management process as well as develop a Hiring Process Dashboard. Postion status data has been moved from a team members desktop to Office 365, enabling enhanced collaboration opporunity and data security. The dashboard and insights are developed in Power BI, leveraging a gantt chart style view to provide at-a-glance insight into the progress of the hiring process, as well as indicators to highlight bottlenecks. The dashboard is updated in real-time opening up a new world of insight for the Yuba Team and the ability to begin optimizing hiring process bottlenecsks.

Next Steps

Are you an HR Professional seeking a solution to manage and strealine the hiring process? Contact us today for a free custom demo of how we can help empower your team with the insight necessary to increase your efficiency!