Google Data Studio Accelerator

Cost: $8,500
Typical Duration: 4 weeks

Unlock the power of your data with interactive dashboards and beautiful reports that inspire smarter businessdecisions.

We can help transform you organization into a data-driven powerhouse using Google Data Studio while avoiding months of development consuming your team's valuable time that could be focused on projects core to your business.

We love working with Google Data Studio and we love using it to help our clients transform their businesses, enhanced visibility in to key performance metrics driving revenue and provides executives with insight need to achieve and maintain the competetive advantage. Google Data Studio Accelerator includes scoping and wireframes, data source configuration, front end design and layout, automation, as well as training and support. Contact us today to accelerate your time to value with our Google Data Studio Accelerator.


Google Data Studio Acclerator includes:

  • Measurement Plan outlining your audience, business processes, KPIs, Goals, Data Sources and data integration scope.
  • Data Dictionary for each targeted data source
  • Report/Dashboard Wireframe
  • Style Guide for visualization consistency
  • Data Source configuration and ongoing integration and automation strategy
  • Development of Google Data Studio Reports
  • Training and Support
  • Standard Accelerator includes up to 5 Data Sources
  • Standard Accelerator includes up to 10 Pages