Gain a quick insight into your business!

Duration: Typically 1 - 2 Weeks

Empower team members to discover insights hidden in your data with Microsoft Power BI.

Our Starter Pack is designed to get you up and running quickly and is great for building Proof of Concepts or specific data visualization projects

Leveraing the PowerHouse Accelerator Framework, we can help transform you organization into a data-driven powerhouse using Power BI while accelerating the implementation timeline, reducing your cost of deployment and training your team to be power users!

We help our clients gain real-time actionable insights, connecting Power BI to Azure Data Warehouse or on-premises data sources. Our Power BI Starter Pack includes scoping and wireframes, data source configuration, front end design and layout, automation, as well as training and support. Contact us today to accelerate your time to value with our Power BI Accelerator.

Power BI Starter Pack Includes:

  • Kickoff Meeting with your organization to identify and document goals, objectives and requirements.
  • Provision and configure Power BI and create Proof of Concept Site.
  • Integrate your Office 365 environment with Power BI.
  • Create a Power BI data model using 1 or 2 data sources.
  • Create a dashboard containing up to 6 data visualizations
  • Complimentary Digital Transformation Roadmap outlining next steps in establishing and scalaing your analytics and automation capabilities.