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Power BI Starter Pack Launch Quick!
Accelerate Intelligence

Who is this for?
Great product for teams what want to deliver a Power BI Proof of Concept quickly at minimal cost or for Directors, VP and Executives who have specific data visualization projects.

Product Summary
Our Starter Pack is designed to get you up and running quickly and is great for building Proof of Concepts or specific data visualization projects

Power BI Managed Service Scale Efficiently!
We're an Extension of your Team

Who is this for?
This is a great solution for both small and large teams who would like to scale and accelerate their analytics, visualization and automation capabilties, while minimizing cost.

Product Summary
Our Managed Service is designed to provide end-to-end analyitcs capabilities and dedicated expertise at minimal cost.

Power BI Training Intelligent Training
Hands-on Keyboard Training

Who is this for?
This is unique solution for organizations establishing their Power BI teams or migrating from other BI Tools. We provide real-time, on the job training to accelerate productivity.

Product Summary
Unique training experience in that combines structured classroom training with hands-on keyboard co-development support.

Power Automate Process Automation
Streamline Business Processes

Who is this for?
Increase organizational efficiency. Build time-saving workflows into everything from individual tasks to large-scale systems with seamless integration using hundreds of prebuilt connectors.

Product Summary
Automate time-consuming manual tasks with built-in AI capabilities, giving you more time to focus on strategic, high-value opportunities.